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The Story



    Tellyfon, Retrieves a missing concept in today’s telecommunication; The “whom” you are calling is the only reason you decide to use a communication system.

So the other side participant or receiver should be the most important part of a calling process. Other emphasizes like both parties Devices, makes, models, Apps, Networks, Providers and so on should not have higher priorities.

Smart Phone with Professional Man
White Landline Earpiece

    In fact these are new issues and we didn’t have such these limitations in the legacy phones. Legacy telecommunication services were costly but we just had one straightforward and clear task; Enter the number and wait to answer.

There was an international organization in charge to regulate cooperation of tons of active companies in this field worldwide.

    Internet domination opened a new era and offered bunch of new features and pushed back the old easy and reliable task which was working fine for many years. So today we have tons of apps which presenting new solutions for call and social networking. These apps and their companies are in a tough race and have changed communication environment completely.But they can’t bet each other by price. Since almost all services in this field are free. So, they can just attract users by offering unique features.

talking on phones
Social network concept

      It sounds perfect! A free high tech app market for all. With some limitations of course.Each app has its own network. For connecting, both you and your friend should be in the same network.Each network acts like a separate island. Has separate policies, separate instructions for signup, login and how to use functions. Since having all features or all friends inside one app is usually never happens, we have to install a couple of these apps in our device.So connecting to a friend process is something like this:


       - Remember this friend is using which app

       - Open that app 

       - Search for name of your friend 

       - Run needed function in that app

     This scenario could be repeated by replacing app in case of unsuccessful call. And surprisingly we do it many times as routine daily bases.

Why? Since why do we should ignore these advanced and high tech features without paying a penny? Though that’s a true comment but not definitely.We pay by more thinking, more time and more clicks.

Digital social media

   Is there any solution for this hidden issue? Yes. Just tell whom do you want to be connected; and leave everything with TellyFonTellyFon smartly fine-tunes each contact user individually, prepares a repeatable process and waits for your One Click command to Run.No matter what type of connection you are going to order : Voice, Text, Video chat, Social Networking, Calendar, Multimedia Note …

Covers over 95% of telecommunication networks worldwide, including:


      GSM, SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger,

      Facebook, Instagram, Skype,

      WeChat, Twitter, LinkedIn,

      Viber, Duo, Telegram, Hike, Kik, Line …

      covers a network of 18 Billion registered user 

Tellyfon google play
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